Sunday, February 23, 2014

Facebook shells out 19 Billion for an App!

I just posted a comment about this happening on another blog but here is the news story about Facebook purchasing the app What's App for 19 billion dollars.

As a user of this app I hope that Facebook doesn't come along and wreck it with adds and totally take it over to make it look like Facebook.

The quest speaker for AutoWeek this week mentioned about in the past posting on a forum for a discussion but they have moved to doing it on Facebook instead.  It makes sense to do such a thing because they already most likely have Facebook and it's easier for them to comment on posts.  What's App is very similar because it uses your own contacts for texting to people and doesn't require you to enter in new information to get a hold of people.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

When does whom someone sleeps with become big news?

I am all in support of people coming out of the closet and asserting themselves that they are now out and proud but when has it become a reason to make it national news?

Ellen Page who stared in the break out movie Juno just announced that she was gay.  By doing this she has put her self in the lime light as a new actor who can help usher in a new era of gay rights.  I am all for gay rights as I myself am gay, but there has to be a point where we just have to say, "Yeah yeah congrats, now how about those hungry people in other countries who really need our help?"

I just think that celebrities could do something better with their fame then announcing that they are gay or straight of whatever they are.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Visit to the Vet

When we were woken up this morning we had no idea that what would be in store for us.  We are Kitty and Gizmo, the dogs of Andrew Sundberg and this is our story about a recent trip to the vet.

We were awoken from our sleep by his mom calling for us, naturally we bounded to the door and followed her to the car not knowing where we were going but still really excited!  We watched out the window as the cars zoomed passed as on our way to an unknown place.  Soon we saw that we were pulling into this parking lot with a building that we both knew oh so well.  It was the man's office that gave us doggie treats!

She dropped us off with a nice lady behind the counter and mumbled some words we did not understand we just smiled up and shook our tails thinking good things were about to happen.  We were lead back into two cages and we just looked at each other unaware of what was about to happen to us.  Soon they took us to this room and we apparently took a nap.  When we woke up we were feeling really funny but rather calm.

A few hours later, Andrew showed up to take us home, we happily got into his car without question because we were well going for another car ride and what dog doesn't like doing that!  We rode in the car until we got home.  We hopped out and we both ran and jumped into the snow bank.  We just ran around the yard as if nothing happened to us.  Little did we know that when they took us to the vet we had been fixed.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Ugh more snow?!

Yup I am totally over the amount of snow we have.  Ready for summer to be here so I can go out sailing on Lake Michigan!