I just posted a comment about this happening on another blog but here is the news story about Facebook purchasing the app What's App for 19 billion dollars.
As a user of this app I hope that Facebook doesn't come along and wreck it with adds and totally take it over to make it look like Facebook.
The quest speaker for AutoWeek this week mentioned about in the past posting on a forum for a discussion but they have moved to doing it on Facebook instead. It makes sense to do such a thing because they already most likely have Facebook and it's easier for them to comment on posts. What's App is very similar because it uses your own contacts for texting to people and doesn't require you to enter in new information to get a hold of people.
And everyone thought that a $3 billion offer for snapchat was out-of-this-world. It is unbelievable what such a young company was able to net, and still be able to maintain it's own platform "independently" afterwords. We live in interesting times where someone can go from nothing to billionaire over night.